Level 1 sleep studies (polysomnography) are performed overnight at a sleep clinic. It is the most comprehensive form of sleep testing and involves an array of sensors overseen by sleep technologists, including electrodes that track brain activity. Polysomnography can be used to detect and diagnose other sleep disorders in addition to sleep apnea.
Level 2 study monitors have a minimum of seven channels. Common metrics tracked include EEG, EOG, electromyography, heart rate, airflow, respiratory effort, and oxygen saturation. Level 2 devices are rarely used for at-home testing due to their complexity and the potential for user error.
A level 3 sleep study is conducted in your home. To be considered a level 3 device, it must record a minimum of four channels used to detect sleep apnea. These devices commonly measure oxygen levels, heart rate, airflow, snoring, and other parameters while you sleep.
Level 4 refers to sleep apnea screening with pulse oximetry, which measures blood oxygen levels, combined with at least two other variables — typically airflow and heart rate. Pulse oximetry on its own is not considered a valid method of sleep apnea testing.
Sleep Doctor uses the WatchPAT home sleep test.
The WatchPAT home sleep test is a level 3, seven-channel test.
- The WatchPAT has been cleared by the FDA as a home sleep apnea test. It is approved by the Department of Transportation for employees who have been instructed to take a sleep apnea test as part of their physical exam. The device is equipped with comprehensive, innovative technology to ensure accurate screening and detection for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA).
- The WatchPAT evaluates sleep apnea using seven different metrics. These include peripheral arterial tone (PAT), blood oxygen level, motor activity, body position, and snoring.
- Our device also measures true sleep time and sleep architecture. The WatchPAT is considered a valid alternative to traditional polysomnography (PSG).
- WatchPAT home sleep apnea test meets the DOT criteria for sleep apnea testing, but it does not meet FAA criteria for sleep apnea testing.