When preparing for the WatchPAT home sleep test (HST), it is important to consider the potential impact of any medical devices you are using, including glucose monitors and insulin pumps. Below is important information regarding the use of these devices in relation to your sleep study.
If you are currently using a glucose monitor or an insulin pump, these devices should not interfere with the WatchPAT home sleep test. However, if these devices transmit data via Bluetooth, there is a possibility that it could affect the accuracy of the home sleep test results. The exact impact of Bluetooth connectivity will not be clear until the test has been completed.
To minimize the risk of potential disruptions, Itamar recommends that all Bluetooth-enabled devices be disconnected prior to starting the sleep study. This precaution will help ensure the most accurate results possible.
Should you require any further assistance or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Sleep Solutions Team, Monday through Friday at 844-757-9355 or contact us here.