Oral appliances such as the myTAP Oral Appliance and the ApneaRX Sleep Apnea Mouthpiece as well as anti-snore devices such as the SmartGuard Anti-Snore Device and the M2 Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece should not be used with the following conditions:
- You are suffering from central sleep apnea.
- You have severe jaw pain, loose teeth, or advanced periodontal disease.
- You have full or partial dentures that are removed at night leaving you with few teeth.
- You wear fixed braces or a retainer at night
- You had a dental implant within the past 12 months.
- You are under 18 years of age.
- Use of this device may cause
- Tooth movement or changes in dental occlusion
- Gingival or dental soreness
- Pain or soreness to the temporomandibular joint
- Obstruction of oral breathing
- Excessive salivation